

Do you suffer from abdominal inflammation? This awkward situation can be avoided with a healthy lifestyle and active living… but how? Easy, avoid these 4 habits!

Eating too fast

Eat in moderation and chew your food slowly. Eating fast makes you swallow unnecessary air  and therefore you inflate. It is also bad for the digestion!

Going to bed with a full stomach

This is the biggest mistake for most people. Eating before bedtime can cause heaviness in the body, hinders digestion and can cause constipation. Remember to always eat at least 3 hours before bedtime, and remember to eat light and natural fat-free foods.

Eating junk food

Do not eat it in large quantities! These foods are rich in sodium, and have no benefit rather than excessive fluid retention in your body. This is another reason why inflammation occurs in the belly. Opt for natural and homemade food. Choose organic fruits and vegetables instead.

Drinking carbonated drinks

They are your worst enemies when it comes swollen belly. The gas causes instant inflammation and sugar and artificial sweeteners contribute to bloating.

To have a flat stomach is important to follow a much healthier diet, you avoid completely these 4 habits and take lots of water. It is also important to have an active, organic and more conscious life.