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Admit it … Women do everything possible to look good and take away those extra pounds. We’ve even dare to try some crazy ones! Here are 5 Steps to lose weight without harming your health.

Include these 5 effective tips into your daily routine and you will realize that losing weight was always a healthy possible choice, without having to try crazy diets.

1) Eat homemade food

This is precisely what will make you lower your weight. Homemade food is healthier because you control the amount of salt and fat in your ingredients. Take your lunch to work and avoid completely eating fast food.

2) Try snacks that are natural

You can eat snacks to boost your metabolism, but you must choose healthy options: a small handful of almonds, an apple, a cup of popcorn. Things always in good measure. These are the snacks that you cannot miss on your desktop for anxiety attacks.

3) Eat breakfast light

Make your breakfast no more than 300 calories. You can eat oatmeal with peanut butter, oatmeal pancakes, an arepa with 2 clear. The options are almost limitless! Do not forget to add fiber.

4) Train yourself into your daily routine:

Incorporate exercise into your day. Walk to work, take the stairs, walk your pet, dance while you clean your house. Any type of aerobic exercise is good for burning calories!

5) Eat more vegetables

The key to good nutrition is to include lots of vegetables to your dishes, because they are delicious, versatile, full of lots of fiber, nutrients and are very low in calories.

You know that losing weight is not impossible, as long as you set your mind to. Do not forget to mix a good workout with an easy diet to follow. Measure your efforts, celebrate your accomplishments and keep it going.