



How do know if I have bruxism or teeth grinding?

How do know if I have bruxism or teeth grinding?

For most people, bruxism is an unconscious habit. You might not realize it until someone else comment that you grind your teeth while you sleep. You can also find out during the visit to the dentist because your tooth enamel is fractured or worn.

Many cases of bruxism go undetected with no adverse effects, while others cause headaches or earaches. Usually, though, it’s more bothersome to other family members because of the grinding sound.

Teeth Grinding Causes

  1. Stress or Anxiety: Anger, pain, worry and frustration often lead to clenching or grinding teeth.

  1. Intense Personality Types: If you’re a very competitive, aggressive and busy person, there’s a good chance your grind your teeth at night.

  1. Abnormal Bite or Crooked Teeth: Misaligned upper or lower teeth often causes teeth grinding– especially at night.

  1. Sleeping Disorders: If you suffer from a sleep disorder, you may experience bruxism during your sleep cycle.

  1. Medicine Use: Some psychiatric drugs and antidepressants often spark bruxism.

Place a mouthguard to eliminate reflex habit produced in the brain may be a solution. This is an apparatus of a rigid resin or hard acrylic, removable, designed such that during wear, prevent the teeth from contacting each other, reducing wear or grinding. source: blog.grindguardn