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Come Orgánico Con Tu Presupuesto / Eat Organic On A Budget

La preocupación más común que he escuchado de algunas personas al llevar un estilo de vida orgánico, es el costo.

Solo recuerda, la comida no-orgánica a menudo contiene hormonas que causan cáncer, antibióticos que destruyen la inmunidad y pesticidas peligrosos. Los pesticidas por naturaleza están designados para matar, son veneno!

Así que, si me dan la opción, no veo como es que alguien puede comprar comida rociada con veneno?

Aquí te doy algunos consejos para que puedas comprar orgánico y mantenerte en tu presupuesto:

Incluir alimentos orgánicos en tu presupuesto sin duda ayudará no sólo tu salud, sino también es posible que te sorprendas de lo mucho que puedes ahorrar.

Sé natural, sé orgánica, sé latina!

Eat Organic On A Budget

The one tried and true worry people about living an organic lifestyle is the cost.

Remember, non-organic food often contains cancer-causing hormones, immunity destroying anti-biotics and dangerous pesticides. Pesticides by nature are designed to kill, they are poison.

So when given the choice, I don’t know why anyone could logically buy food with poison sprayed on it?

Here are some tips to buy organic and stay within your budget:

  1. Stay organized. Plan out your meals for the week according to organic foods that are on sale and/or that you have coupons for.
  2. Budget. Write out a weekly and monthly budget to help you keep track of both erratic spending and responsible spending. This will allow you to see your spending habits and help you prioritize purchasing organic food within your budget.
  3. Do it yourself, rather than buy it. Make your own organic granola bars, smoothies, juices to replaced store-bought with more overhead.
  4. Learn how to portion and prioritize – it is a necessity to always buy organic meats and dairy products, and, therefore, learn to portion your consumption of these products each week. For example, keep meat to 4 ounces or less per serving.
  5. Local food can be significantly cheaper than food shipped from miles away. Find a farmers market near you.

Including organic food on your budget will certainly help not just your health but also you may be surprised at how much you can save.

Be natural, be organic, be latina!


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