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How to Know if Your Home Is Energy Efficient


Do you want your house to be energy-efficient? It’s become more necessary to strive for sustainable features as climate change persists. Fortunately, you can create an energy-efficient space through different measures. These actions will ensure your home becomes and stays eco-friendly. There’s always room for improvement.

Here’s what to look for as you assess your energy-efficient home. 

1. Thermal Performance

How does your house fare in different weather conditions? A home’s thermal performance depends on its response to temperature. In other words, you need an area that stays cold when it’s hot and hot when it’s cold while you limit your heating and cooling costs. The most common problems that prevent a high rating tend to be windows, doors, and other leaky spaces.

A smart thermostat can help your house manage heating and cooling better. You can also have a professional conduct an energy audit so you can fix any issues around your home.

2. Heating and Cooling

You should take a look at your home’s HVAC system to determine whether it’s sustainable. Your heating, ventilating, and cooling equipment can contribute to a higher energy bill if you’re not careful. Look at your home’s units to see if they meet certain qualifications. For example, your air conditioner should have a 14.5 or more SEER score or seasonal energy efficiency ratio.

You shouldn’t replace your entire system unless it’s old or damaged. Use your HVAC appliances until they’re ready for a replacement so you can be sustainable.

3. Recycled Materials

Was your house constructed with recycled materials? If not, you can’t turn back time to use reclaimed wood and other products for your home. That said, you should aim to use those items for future renovations. By reusing products from old buildings, you create less waste. You could incorporate them into your fireplace, porch, flooring, and more.

These options work for almost every project. Use spare parts you already have before you buy alternatives. This way, you’ll create a more energy-efficient home.

4. Water Usage

Your home’s water usage should be minimal, which is why it’s important to choose appliances that keep your bill low. You should also incorporate ways to further reduce your consumption

Take a look around your house for leaky toilets and faucets, too. Those maintenance issues can create extra problems. You should also consider how you harvest and heat your water, as well.

An energy-efficient home aims to use water only when necessary, and the same idea applies to heating water. If you can use cold water for your laundry, you should. Use recycled water to care for your plants, as well.

5. Lighting Options

You need to explore eco-friendly lighting selections if you want to minimize your environmental influence. A choice like solar panels makes a significant impact when compared to other solutions. You could also explore less in-depth alternatives, such as CFL and LED lightbulbs. In any case, strive to use options that are less energy-intensive than your current setup. 


You should only use lights, electronics and other devices when necessary. If you enter a room, don’t turn on a lamp and then leave. Do your best to make smart decisions regarding your lighting layout and practices.

Consider These Factors for an Energy-Efficient Home

You’ll likely need to make a few changes to your space to be truly energy-efficient. Luckily, you won’t have to do too much to take your house to a more sustainable level. From new lightbulbs to less frequent showers, you can easily make a difference at home and feel good about your role in improving the planet’s health.


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