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La Importancia De Reciclar | Why It Is Important To Recycle?

Reciclar es el proceso mediante el cual productos de desecho son nuevamente utilizados. Sin embargo, la recolección es sólo el principio del proceso de reciclaje.

Prácticamente el 90% de la basura doméstica es reciclable, poreso es importante que separemos en nuestra casa la basura y los depositemos en los contenedores adecuados.

El reciclaje permite:

 Why It Is Important To Recycle?

Recycling is an important way for individuals and businesses to reduce the waste they generate and reduce the negative impact of that waste. Because recycling is big business in Ohio, every time you recycle, it also supports the many companies and employees doing this important work.

Recycling conserves our natural resources, saves landfill space, conserves energy, and reduces water pollution, air pollution and the green house gas emissions that cause global warming.

Together, Reducing, Reusing, Recycling and buying Recycled products make up a comprehensive waste and resource reduction strategy that benefits our natural world and our economy.

We should recycle because:

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