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5 Pasos para Ser una Persona Espiritual / 5 Steps for Spiritual Growth

Es necesario darle la importancia necesaria a nuestra paz interior, visitando lugares callados como un parque y su naturaleza, o bien escuchar música que nos de un balance espiritual o simplemente ir a los lugares donde tu espíritu se reconecta con tu paz interior.

Cuando empezamos a crecer espiritualmente en nuestras vidas, es importante cuidar esa paz interna. Mantener una vida sana y callada es elemental  para mantener la paz interior. Solamente las personas que entienden el valor de una vida espiritual pueden ser capaces de tener una relación espiritual con otra persona.

  1. Aprende a ser una persona que busca la paz espiritual por medio de la oración, meditación, canticos espirituales.
  2. Toma tiempo para estar a solas y hablar con Dios o leer libros sobre la sabiduría espiritual, los cuales dan mucho auto-conocimiento.
  3. Se honesto contigo mismo sobre cuales tipos de personas quieres como amistades cercanas
  4. Protege tu paz, no escojas gente que le gusta discutir en tu circulo
  5. Tus valores espirituales son tus ingredientes mas importantes en tu vida, no los comprometas

 5 Steps for Spiritual Growth

What is a spiritual person?  Spiritual people are the ones who surrender their Ego to God’s hands for guidance and inner healing. A spiritual person has hunger for the things of God, as for learn from wisdom and have the courage to go through the dark night of the soul and ask God or the Universe for divine help. One of the most important characteristic of the spiritual people is the peace in their hearts and their need to have a peaceful life around them.

As you start becoming aware of your inner peace, you will start looking for places like a quiet park, some kind of music that will bring balance to your day, or go to a spiritual place that will reconnect you with your spirit by helping you to find healing and peaceful thoughts.

  1. Become a person who looks for inner peace by praying, meditating and singing spiritual songs
  2. Take time to be alone and talk to God and read spiritual books
  3. Observe how peaceful is your life and make changes to create a better peaceful life
  4. Be honest with yourself about the type of people you want to have as close friends
  5. Protect your peace, don’t choose a non-peaceful person to share life with

Blog entry is a colaboration of Gina Suzanne Resto-Webb

The writer of Spiritual Health was born in Costa Rica. Started acting in TV commercials when she was only 10 years old and since then have been studying acting. For the last 25 years of his artistic life has been living between New York, Miami and Costa Rica acting for different productions.  She is working on her third Master’s degree for Educational Theater. After completing her first two master’s degrees in Spanish Literature and Bilingual Education she created Creative Language Workshops. Visit Gina’s blog at Mujer Espiritual.

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