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9 Things you didn’t know about polar bears


These beautiful white bears that inhabit our planet are one of the species that are in danger of extinction. The lovely appearance of polar bears sometimes makes us forget that they are not toys, and they really are one of the biggest hunters among land animals.

Today I want to leave you some information that probably you didn’t know about polar bears. This will bring more to understand how the species, and possibly going to respect it more, acting on behalf of its natural conservation.

Polar bears are the largest species of bear

On average polar bears on all fours can measure from 1 meter to 1.5 meters in height. If a polar bear stands on two legs can grow to 3 meters high. Long measured from 2 to 2.5 meters. Adult polar bears can weigh around 400 to 550 kilograms. Females weigh half as long as their male counterparts.

The fur of polar bears is transparent

Polar bears appear to be white, but their hair is actually transparent. Is white because light is refracted through the light hair. It can also be yellowish in summer due to oxidation or brown gray depending on the season and the condition of light. Polar bear skin is black and absorbs heat to keep them warm.

There are polar bears outside North Pole

In fact, they live in the countries surrounding the Arctic Circle: Canada, Russia, the United States (Alaska), Greenland and Norway. In the winter, temperatures in the Arctic are usually revolve around 29 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 34 degrees Celsius) and can reach a temperature as low as minus 92 F (minus 69 C).

hey are excellent swimmers!

Polar bears are known as Bears sea. To use their large front paws paddling in the water, and is known to have swum over 100km without rest. Their fat not only keeps polar bears hot, but also increases their buoyancy when swimming.

They are the only bears that don’t hibernate in winter

They continue to hunt during the coldest months, unless the weather is extremely cold, where they seek refuge in a snow cave to hibernate.

They are carnivores (we know) and must eat seals to survive

Nature is amazing. Polar bears eat seals for one specific reason, which is that the seal has enough fat and calories to keep alive the polar bear. Polar bears need daily at least 2 kg of fat, those are 55kg power weekly for about 8 days. Still, the polar bears also eat fish, eggs, reindeer, rodents, birds and berries.

November and December is the time when polar bears are born the most

Females usually give birth between November and December after a gestation period of 8 months. At the time of birth maternity dig a den (cave in a snowbank) where they have their pups. Usually female polar bears give birth to twins, although there have been unique and even triplets births.

Polar bears live up to 20 years

At birth they grow rapidly, and 2 years are already quite mature bears. Normally they live between 15 and 20 years.

There are very few specimens left!

It’s believed that there are between 20,000 and 25,000 polar bears in the wild, because their habitat is melting (the polar ice). It was predicted that the polar ice cap could melt completely within the next 100 years and this will leave polar bears homeless.

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