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What is Tai-Chi and its benefits for you



Tai Chi is a martial art ideal for improving and restoring our health and fitness.

Builds the inheritance bequeathed by Taoists of ancient China and is a series of gymnastic exercises based on the ancient traditional medicine and experience of the daoyin, broadcast within the Huashan sect.

Tai-Chi and its benefits for you

Body movements are destined to channel vital energy to maintain good health and achieve longevity. It is a series of gimnastic exercises  designed to channel the meridians, the flow of energy, Chi.

Its particularity is to combine harmoniously these three foundations:

  • Body movement
  • Concentration
  • Conscious Breathing

There are several main styles, two of the most common are the Yang style and Chen style. Depending on our physical condition we can tip for practicing one style or another. In the Yang style movements are long, smooth and without alteration of breath or strength.


The Chen style, works passing the blast relaxation in one continuous motion. That is why the first style, the Yang, is one of the most suitable for beginners from our second or third youth.

This does not mean that it is easier to practice because all relaxed movements have its complications.

Novice practitioners have seen the flick of an arm extension of them can take hours of practice to get relaxed fluidity of movement.

 Tai Chi and its therapeutic effects

Circular movements performed seamlessly activate blood circulation and regulating blood pressure. Abdominal breathing remains supple abdomen and chest relaxed, making it a deep breath, slow, smooth and soft, providing a better balance in the functioning of the respiratory system.

Also, Tai Chi promotes digestion because their movements activate bowel function.

The influence of Tai Chi on the nervous system is so tangible and obvious.

The nervous system balanced tone for unified realization of movements, has a highly beneficial effect on the whole body, promoting the capacity of attention and calm, something extremely useful and then be prepared in complicated situations, as it could be, fear of flying.

Its practice ensures progressively greater harmony with oneself and with the environment, allowing redress the imbalances of the conditions in which we live, product and rigid rough ride, externally and internally.

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