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¿Conoces la Cronodieta? | Do you know what the Chronodiet is?

La Cronodieta se fundamenta en que, a mayor actividad física, la comida no se transforma en grasa y al contrario, si estamos en reposo cualquier pequeña cosa que comamos nos hará engordar.

Así, hay que evitar ingerir alimentos a partir de finalizada la tarde, ya que durante la noche se reduce la actividad tiroidea y las glándulas suprarrenales también trabajan al mínimo, por lo que es más fácil que los alimentos engorden.


Durante todo el día:

De 7:00 am a 5:00 pm:

De 12:00 a 3:00 pm:

De 7:00 pm a 10:00 pm:



Media mañana:


Merienda: (solo hasta las 5:00 pm)


A media mañana o tarde , prueba el zumo de piña, naranja y pomelo que es muy saciante y tiene fibra. Prueba otros cereales ademas del trigo, por ejemplo la avena, el centeno o el maíz. Come pequeñas raciones de proteínas y no repitas mas de dos veces por semana.

Y a adelgazar 3kg en dos semanas!

 Do you know what the Chronodiet is?

The Chronodiet is based on the thought that, when there is more physical activity, our body does not transform food into fat and vice versa, and that if we are resting, any possible small thing we eat will make us gain weight.

So, we have to avoid eating late in the afternoon, since during night our thyroid activity is reduced and also adrenals work to its lowest levels, making it easier for us to gain weight.



During the day:

From 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm:

From 12:00 to 3:00 pm:

From 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm:





Snack: (only until 5:00 pm)


By mid-morning or afternoon, try pineapple, orange or grapefruit juice,  it is very satiating and has fiber.

Try with cereals other than wheat, such as oats, rye or corn. Eat small portions of protein and do not repeat more than twice a week.

And say bye to 3kg in two weeks!.

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