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2 Super detox after the weekend


Did you eat too much this weekend? Don’t worry, detox your body with these 2 super detox for the after weekend. Even more if you drank alcohol and ate fat!

You can prepare these recipes when the weekend is over, in fast when you wake up. It will help you depurate your body completely and set the toxins free, without any inconveniences. Remember that you can do a depurative detox diet of 3 days.

Try these 2 super detox for the after weekend:


Lemon juice detox:

Mix 8 ounces of filtered water, 2 spoons of lemon juice just squeezed, a spoon of maple syrup, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

How to drink it? Drink this mix during your whole day constantly. Drink a lot of filtered water as well.


Fresh fruit juice detox:

If you don’t have a juice extractor, ask for one. Buy any fruit or vegetable you like to enjoy the flavor. If you don’t even know how to, you can read this detox juice recipe, or simply buy a natural organic sugarless juice concentrate.

How to drink it? Drink only the juice and filtered water all day long.

Remember these detox are only for one day, don’t do it if you want to lose weight miraculously; vice versa you can really hurt yourself if you are not used to fast.

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