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10 Ways to Spend More Time in Nature


Spending time in nature provides numerous health benefits from helping you relax to fewer behavioral issues in children. Here are ten simple ways to spend more time in nature this year. 

1. Get Your Exercise Outside

Do you frequently run inside on a treadmill? What about go to a yoga study for your weekly flow? Keep up your habit of exercising outside by running on a trail near your home or practicing yoga in your backyard or a local park. Then you get both the physical benefits of exercise as well as the mental benefits of being outside.

2. Eat Your Meals in Nature

Instead of eating your lunch in front of your computer screen, try taking it outside if it’s a nice day. You can also opt to eat breakfast on your porch or dinner on an outdoor patio at a restaurant. As long as the weather’s nice, take the opportunity to go outside and enjoy the sun as well as a good meal.

3. Walk or Bike to Work

If you don’t live too far from your office, try walking or biking to work. It will require a little extra time, but you can shave it off later by skipping the gym after getting in a workout by commuting. It’ll also save you money on gas or public transit costs. So why not check out a new part of your home that you’ve ever seen on foot or cycle?

4. Go on a Backpacking Trip

For a more adventurous outdoor excursion, try a backpacking or multi-day hiking trip. Backpacking is an awesome way to get in touch with nature and spend time with your friends and loved ones who go on the trip with you. Make sure you’re packing plenty of healthy food such as tuna, lentils, and dried beans to keep your energy up over the entire hike.

5. Find an Outdoor Hobby

If you still don’t know how to spend more time in nature in 2019, try taking up a brand new hobby. Any activity or hobby that you love will jump higher on your to-do list. Try an outdoor sport such as beach volleyball or kayaking, or try nature photography or bird watching. Any hobby that gets you outside is sure to get your body moving.

6. Go to a Drive-In on Movie Night

Is a low-key movie night more your speed? Try going to the drive-ins instead of an indoor movie theater. There are fewer than 350 drive-in theaters left in the U.S. Seeing a movie at one is a great way to spend time outside, but also experience a phenomenon that’s shrinking across the country.

7. Find Outdoor Lodging

Whenever your family travels, it’s a safe bet that you look for a hotel to stay. While hotels are a nice option, try camping under the stars. It’s a great opportunity to bond as a family and see a portion of your destination that you wouldn’t have gone to otherwise. Make it an adventure for the kids as well by making s’mores, telling campfire stories, and spending a little time hiking.

8. Spend a Day on the Water

Spending time in nature isn’t just about connecting with the forest. Try going to a lake, the beach or even a pond to pass a day on the water. Your options are endless — you can boat, fish, swim, kayak, canoe or just wade in the water and enjoy the time with your family and friends.

9. Start a Garden

Everyone has to eat, and no matter where you purchase your fruits and vegetables they always start off in a garden. Why not grow them yourself and know exactly where your food is coming from? You can choose the types of fruits and vegetables you want to grow, and you’ll have to spend time outside to nurture the seeds to life.

10. Go to the Dog Park

Even if you don’t love spending time in nature, your furry friend does. Take your dog to the dog park to give them the exercise and socialization you need. You’ll get exercise just from walking around with them, and maybe you’ll even meet some new friends who can share dog tips.

Start Reaping the Benefits of Being Outside

Make 2019 your year to spend more time in nature. After a few trips of being outside with your dog, tending to a garden or eating at a picnic table, you’ll notice a shift in both your physical and emotional well-being.

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