Breast cancer can affect any woman, and even men. The essential thing is to detect it early to avoid being at risk for complications and even in mortal danger.
Advertising agencies, brands worldwide and thousands of organizations have dedicated themselves to the task of generating awareness of breast cancer. That’s why today I want to bring you nine great advertisements that seek to generate in you that call to action: touching to prevent or detect breast cancer early.
In the month of October we all put a pink band. Here I leave you 9 great ads about breast cancer.
- Are you obsessed with the right things?
2. If you would just check your breasts just as much as you do your social networks…
3. If you don’t know how to check your breasts, I can help.
4. Unfortunately we can’t test everything for you.
5. Losing one can be this easy…
6. If only women would paid as much attention to her breasts as men do…
7. October: Preventing breast cancer is not in your hands. Early detection is.
8. You can detect breast cancer early, beat the disease before it’s too late…
9. Detect breast cancer before it strikes…