

White people have the tendency to have freckles, that characterize our faces, especially around the nose. They look amazing! Having a freckled face could be our personal mark. Show them proudly and take into consideration these special cares.

Whenever we don’t take care of our freckled face, we can end up with spots on our skin. Don’t cover your freckles with make-up, take care of  them and don’t be ashamed about them. The best way to do it is taking care of your skin, providing it attention and care because this type of skin tends to be very sensitive.

So I share some tips to take care of a freckled face:

  • Keep your face clean: this goes with every face, but it is important you do it as part of your routine. Use soft exfoliants to get rid of the dead cells. Natural soft products are the best for your  type of skin.
  • Protect your face from the sun: If you have freckles this is a must-do, remember you have hyperpigmentation which is why you have freckles. Freckles by multiplied sunrays, that is why you must always use high specter sunblocks that protect you from UV rays and protect your freckles.
  • Moisture regularly. This helps you have a healthy skin and free of imperfections.
  • Avoid bases with too much coverage and wear mineral powders. If you want to cover up your freckles I recommend you following these tips.

Now you can show a beautiful healthy face full of your adorable freckles. Remember that it will totally depend on your taking care of it as your routine. What do you think?