
cuidado arroz blanco con arsenicoIn organic rice cereal for babies, rice cereals for breakfast, whole rice, white rice; the Consumer Reports have found new evidence that all of these types of rice products that are on the shelves in the supermarket contain arsenic and in many of these products the arsenic level is too high and worrying.

  • White rice grown in Arkansas, Missouri and Texas represents the 76% of domestic rice in general and contained the highest level of arsenic and inorganic arsenic than rice from other states.
  • warning arsenic in white riceIn each brand of rice that we evaluated, the average of arsenic and inorganic arsenic was higher in whole rice than white rice.
  • People who ate rice had arsenic levels 44% higher than those who didn’t, according to analysis of federal health data. Some ethnics groups were seriously affected, including Mexicans, Hispanics and another categories that included Asians.
  • It is feasible to reduce arsenic in food. We examined the efforts of two food companies that are trying to control the problem and found out about the methods that are being used to try to reduce arsenic in their products.

Conclusion: whole rice, whole rice, whole rice!

Grains that we can eat instead of rice:
Barley, Rye, Oat, Chickpea, Peas.