
Este gráfico lo saqué de un periódico hace como dos años. Me lo encuentro en mi computadora , y me pareció interesante compartirlo contigo justamente cuando ya estamos en el cuarto mes del año. Cuida y alimenta tus emociones. Fuente: eud.com

Feed Your Emotions

I got the graphic above from a newspaper a couple years ago. I found it on my computer and I though it was interesting to share it with you. source eud.com

Feed Your Emotions

  • Make donations. December is not the only month to help others.
  • Lift up your spirit! Feel your lungs with oxigen and free it with a strong shout.
  • If you constantly complain about how bad your country is: Hey you live in it! Start working to make it better.
  • Smile! That’s the best medicine. Check on facebook how bad-looking your “ex” is now, that’ll sure makes you laugh. If not, just to go a movie theater and enjoy a great comedy.
  • Practice yoga. You will get numerous benefits for your mind and body. Discover them and be free from stress.
  • Make peace with other, but specially with yourself. It’s worthless complaint and bring up bad memories. By being grumpy all you get is a bad mood and wrinkles.
  • Rest. Your body needs a break. All that stress from working, buying, paying, bad economy, all of it, it accumulates on your system. It’s not about going to the beach with a couple of friends, but to truly rest. Sleep well.
  • There are no excuses! Now is the time to start a new hobby or to take back some that you used to like doing but you “never” have the time. Make the time, we all have the same 24 hours.
  • Be thankful. When you give thanks for what you have, you’ll see the world differently!