
Healthy Home Tips for Parents

1. Choose better body care products. Just because a label says “gentle” or “natural” doesn’t mean it’s kid- safe. Look up your products on CosmeticsDatabase.com. Read the ingredients and avoid triclosan, BHA,fragrance, and oxybenzone.
2. Go organic & eat fresh foods. Opt for organic fruits and veggies, or use FoodNews.org to find conventionally grown produce with the least pesticides. Choose milk and meat without added growth hormones. Limit canned food and infant formula, as can linings contain bisphenol A (BPA).
3. Avoid fire retardants. Choose snug-fitting cotton pajamas for kids, and repair or replace worn out foam items.

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4. Pick plastics carefully. Some plastics contain BPA, which is linked to cancer. Avoid clear, hard plastic bottles marked with a “7” or “PC” and choose baby bottles made from glass or BPA-free plastic. Don’t microwave plastic containers. Stay away from toys marked with a “3” or “PVC.” Give your baby a frozen washcloth instead of vinyl tethers.
5. Filter your tap water. Use a reverse osmosis system or carbon filter pitcher to reduce your family’s exposure to impurities in water, like chlorine and lead. Don’t drink bottled water, which isn’t necessarily better. Mix infant formula with fluoride-free water.