
Durante los cambios climáticos que ocurren con la estaciones, el cuerpo se resiente con las nuevas temperaturas.

La naturaleza es sabia, por eso existen las frutas y vegetales de temporada, porque el ciclo es tan perfecto que nos provee de alimentos que tienen los nutrientes adecuados para cada estación.

Con la llegada de la primavera experimentamos un cansancio inexplicable que conlleva decaimiento general y fatiga mental, los expertos hacen énfasis que al entrar en esta temporada debemos ser firmes ante nuestros horarios de actividad y descanso, practicar ejercicios moderadamente, tener una alimentación adecuada y tomar suplementos vitamínicos y minerales.

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Fotografía por Stephanie Gonot.

Las vitaminas y minerales que nos ayudan a mantener o recobrar el balance y la vitalidad son la vitamina B6 que interviene en la síntesis de serotonina; las A,C y E que defienden al organismo de las sustancias oxidantes; y el hierro que mejora el paso de los neurotransmisores.

Tu piel , tus articulaciones, todo tu cuerpo se empieza a sentir diferente. Es tiempo de expandirte y cambiar tu rutina de vitaminas , pues tu cuerpo no necesita lo mismo que en el invierno o verano.

Me gusta pensar que esta época es buena para hacer “renacer” en mi todo lo bueno. Así que tengo que cuidarme y sacarle provecho a esta época.

¿Qué vitaminas te aconsejo para que tu piel luzca radiante?

  • Vitamina C: Como suplemento o en alimentos que la contengan (frutos rojos, limón, naranja, kiwi, pimiento rojo y verde, tomates, espinacas.
  • Levadura de cerveza: un suplemento rico en vitaminas y minerales, regulador del sistema nervioso, que mejora el estado de nuestra piel y cabello y regula los niveles de azúcar.
  • Germen de trigo: es un gran antioxidante, rico en vitaminas (sobre todo en vitamina E).

¿Cuáles son las vitaminas que tú utilizas para mantener activo tu cuerpo?

Vitamins for Seasonal Changes

If you’re one of the many thousands who get sick on spring, this tips are for you because as you are probably aware, getting sick is not an inevitable part of the change in seasons.

You surely know a handful of people who seemingly never get sick — maybe they work in your office or even share your home. These people are able to avoid illness not because they aren’t exposed to germs, but because their immune system is able to keep them healthy, and this is when vitamins have a particular role.

Nature is wise and so are fruits and vegetables in season, because the cycle is so perfect it provides food with the right nutrients for each station. With the arrival of spring a lot of us experience unexplained fatigue that involves mental fatigue.

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Photographed by Stephanie Gonot.

Experts emphasize that by entering this season we must be firm with our schedule of activity and rest, practice exercises moderately and eat adequate food. Add vitamins and minerals to your routine a week before the change of season and you will feel the difference. Your body will be strong and you will feel more energetic.

The vitamins and minerals help us maintain or regain balance and vitality, vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of serotonin; the A, C and E vitamins defend the body against oxidative substances; and iron which improves step of neurotransmitters.

What are the vitamins that you use to keep your body active?

Your body will adapt to this new season, this rebirth is in perfect harmony with nature. Because as beings on this planet , we are also connected to nature .

Your skin, your joints, your whole body begins to feel different. It’s time to expand and change your vitamin routine. Your body requires different nutrients.

I like to think that this is the time to be “reborn ” and bring out the best in me. So I have to take care of and take advantage of it.

Which vitamins are perfect for this season?

• Vitamin C: As a supplement , I like the effervescent version. Foods containing it ( berries , lemon, orange , kiwi , red and green peppers , tomatoes , spinach … )

• Brewer’s yeast : a supplement rich in vitamins and minerals , it helps regulating the nervous system, which improves the condition of our skin and hair, also can regulate sugar levels .

•Wheat germ: is a great antioxidant , rich in vitamins (especially vitamin E).

¿Cuáles son las vitaminas que utilizas para mantener activo tu cuerpo?