Feeling beautiful is as important as being good-looking.
After you reach an age, several women tend to develop wrinkles on the neck, some people call it “dewlap”. Let’s not worry about that! Let’s better focus on how we can pamper our beautiful neck.
Today I want to share with you 3 natural tips to have a younger healthier, good-looking and beautiful neck. Start today!
Homemade neck cleaner
- Pour 3 glasses of water with a handful of barley in a saucepan.
- Lit the kitchen and cook at low temperature until it boils.
- Turn the kitchen off and let it cool.
- Strain into a airtight recipient.
- Add 5 drops of lemon oil,
- Close and shake until you get a good consistency.
- Put it in the fridge.
- Apply it daily with a wad of cotton.
Ointment for the neck
- Blend some lettuce leaves until you get 3 spoons of juice.
- Mix it with 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon.
- Apply this ointment all over the neck, especially on the wrinkles and leave it on for 20 minutes.
- Finally, clear with warm water.
Also read: Anti wrinkles natural cream for your eye bags
Anti wrinkles homemade cream for the neck
- You need to melt 40 gr of cocoa fat in water bath.
- Take the pan out, add ½ spoon of virgin olive oil and mix it until it gets cold.
- Pour the mix in a jar and put it in the fridge.
- Apply it daily by repeatedly patting from the base until the chin.
- Try not to stretch or pinch the skin.