No siempre es fácil complacer a todos los que nos rodean, y todavía más difícil es que todos nos acepten tal cual somos. Lo importante aquí eres tú, tu confianza en ti misma y lo que quieras lograr, alcanzar tus metas profesionales, familiares y espirituales te acercarán cada día a ser una mejor versión de ti misma.
Recuerda, la batalla por ser feliz es sólo tuya… que los demás no te afecten es la clave.
It is always good to trust yourself
It is not always easy to please everyone around us, and even more difficult it is to be accepted as we are by everyone around us. The important thing here is you, your confidence in yourself and what you want to achieve and reach in your career, family and your spiritual goals, which will get you closer every day to a better version of yourself.
Remember, the battle to be happy is yours alone… not being affected by others is your key.