
Rosa Parks said:

“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right”

If it is right to create wonderful opportunities to help us to have a better world, then let’s be a revolutionary thinker doing the right things without fear. The highest truth about being a revolutionary thinker lays in creating and not competing.

Let’s do a revolutionary change in our thoughts! Let’s use our creative ideas for building a revolutionary life, like Steve Jobs, creative ideas did for our lives. Let’s think revolutionary.

Jesus walked on this planet and all his teachings still changing lives. What do we need in order to change our regular thoughts and to switch them in to higher thoughts? Many great thinkers already explained it, all we need it’s to switch our thoughts!

Let’s review some of those famous quotes from great thinkers:

“Every thought of form, held in thinking substance, causes the creation of that form”

Wallace Wattles

“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat”

William Shakespeare

“One of the things I learned when I was negotiating was that until I changed myself, I could not change others.”

Nelson Mandela

“It’s not about being physically incarcerated, but not being mentally incarcerated”

T.D. Jakes

What is that we need to change in our lives that will help us to switch our lives from being a regular person to a revolutionary thinker? 

Let’s share some tips:

  1. Read about great thinkers, learns about their observations about life.
  2. Question everything!
  3. Share time with yourself in reflection.
  4. Invest time in being present in your own life.
  5. Have courage to live in truth.
  6. Visualize the life you would like to have.
  7. Write your personal and life goals every day.
  8. Be willing to accept what needs to be changed!
  9. Know your passions.
  10. Pursuit your purpose in life.

Our biggest purpose in life it’s to find what do we truly love to do. It’s always about love- that it’s the ultimate truth in us. Once we found what our passions are, we are ready to start creating a revolutionary life for ourselves and others.

Blog entry is a colaboration of Gina Suzanne Resto-Webb

The writer of Spiritual Health was born in Costa Rica. Started acting in TV commercials when she was only 10 years old and since then have been studying acting. For the last 25 years of his artistic life has been living between New York, Miami and Costa Rica acting for different productions.  She is working on her third Master’s degree for Educational Theater. After completing her first two master’s degrees in Spanish Literature and Bilingual Education she created Creative Language Workshops (creativelanguageworkshops.com)