Is not entirely harmful: salt helps our nervous system, balances the body fluids and benefits the functioning of muscles.
If salt is so good, why do we need to consume less salt?
Consuming too much, makes us prone to heart disease, diseases, stroke, it affects our kidneys and plays an important role in increasing blood pressure. One in three adults has hypertension, which means the arteries lose elasticity and gain rigidity.
The average maximum intake recommended by the WHO is 5 grams per day in adults and between 3 and 4 grams in children.
One study claims that in Spain, consumption is twice recommended, and America is following a similar path.
Did you know that the salt we consume is 20% which “see” when we add to foods, and 80% “invisible”, that is to say, is one of the components of the ingredients we cook? It’s not about not eating it, is reducing the intake. Remember that kids copy what they see, improve your habits and your children will have a healthier future.
To prevent future illnesses we should to consume less salt (both types of consumption).
How? Easy:
- Use spices to flavor.
- Never leave the salt shaker on the table.
- Use substitutes and other toppings like herbs or spices.
- Use lemon as a dressing for your salad.
- When you cook food grilled or steamed, put the salt at the end, after cooking.