Today I want to give you some advice I found here and there so you can take care of your face and keep it soft and beautiful. Avoid making these mistakes when taking care of your skin if you want an impeccable and soft face.
Never go to bed before removing your makeup
It feels good entering your room and lay on your bed thinking “I’m dead exhausted, I’ll remove my makeup tomorrow”. No matter how tired you are and how tempted you are to do this, keep in mind that makeup doesn’t let your skin get oxygen, the base, powder and correctors will obstruct your pores, causing blackheads and stains.
Besides, it is not only make up, but also dust, sweat and oil for a whole day! Do you really want to go to bed with all that?
Keep your face exfoliated
Exfoliate your face regularly because exfoliation removes dead tissue that has accumulated on previous weeks from your face. Exfoliation provides a special brightness that can’t be achieved by only washing. Don’t get me wrong, this is not only for older women, all of us should do it no matter our age, and even men can benefit from exfoliation!
Keep your makeup brushes always clean
This is a must-do that we sometimes forget, remember that each time you use the makeup brush dead and oily skin stay on it. If you don’t clean it regularly, all that waste will live on your brush and whenever you use it this waste will return to your face causing stains.
Keep your face moisturized
Unless you are ready to be in your 50s and look like a 70-year-old woman, hydrate your skin everyday. Not only with natural moisturizers, but also with drinking 8 glasses of water a day, you will soon see the improvement.
Wash your face twice a day
Not washing your face enough times a day may cause problems, specially if you wear tons of makeup, because if you wash your face only at night before going to bed, you might be leaving rest of makeup which could be already in your pores.