Según “La Carga Global de la enfermedad 2010”, cada día alrededor de tres millones de personas cocinan y calientan sus casas utilizando fuegos abiertos y estufas ineficientes que queman combustibles sólidos como madera, estiércol animal, residuos agrícolas o carbón.
Añadió que 3.5 millones de muertes están “directamente asociadas” a la contaminación del aire en los hogares y otras 500 mil defunciones resultan por la polución del fuego cuando se cocina fuera de la casa.
“Uno de los hallazgos más alarmantes es que el humo de los fuegos para cocinar es la mayor amenaza ambiental para la salud en el mundo hoy en día”, señaló Kirk Smith, profesor de salud ambiental de la Universidad de California en Berkeley y co-autor del estudio.
El informe indica asimismo que millones de personas más se enferman de cáncer de pulmón, infecciones infantiles del sistema respiratorio, padecimientos cardiovasculares y cataratas asociadas con la “polución del aire en los hogares” (PAH).
Por su parte, la Organización “Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves” espera incrementar el acceso de estufas que utilizan energía limpia.
Is Your Kitchen A Time Bomb?
Livelihoods And Opportunities For Women In The Cook Stove Value Chain.
While women are disproportionately impacted by the negative impacts of cooking on open fires and traditional cook stoves, they play a crucial role in the adoption and use of clean cooking solutions because of their responsibilities as cooks and managers of their households.
Women can play a unique role within the cook stove and fuel value chains, as they often excel in entrepreneurial activities and can leverage their existing networks for distribution, marketing, and sales, and the Alliance has included the empowerment of women as an explicit goal in its mission statement. Further, the Alliance’s partners recognize that they cannot design clean cook stove and fuels solutions without the full participation and input of women.
Proposed Alliance activities are meant to support and enhance projects on the ground, as well as develop tools and resources that can be utilized and replicated by stakeholders around the world.
During the stakeholder consultation process, the Alliance will work closely with local stakeholders to identify the key gender and empowerment activities that are required to scale up the clean cookstove and fuel markets, and ensure that women are economically empowered through these emerging markets.