Have you ever used teeth whiteners? Today we will find out whether those products and treatments to whiten our teeth actually work or if they are really harmful to your oral health, specially your teeth.
Studies in several countries, led by a specialist at the National University of Colombia, found that the laser damage occurs on tooth enamel is irreparable.
Teeth whitening is a drug treatment in which laser and highly reactive chemicals called peroxides are used to change the natural color of your teeth and make them whiter. Poor choice of procedure can generate traumas for the patient.
Are teeth whiteners good?
Most teeth whitening are not permanent.
The nonsmokers and not taking drinks like coffee or tea, observed little or no color change after a tooth whitening procedure for up to five years.
Its long-term results depend on your habits and specific foods you eat.
If you find it difficult to stop taking coffee, tea, soda, red wine or other beverages that cause pigmentation, so you must decide if it is worth the sacrifice.
So, if you ever use teeth whiteners you now know that some may not as intended or give you the desired effect for too long. Always opt for more natural treaments.
¿Sufres de mal aliento y no sabes que hacer? En este video te tengo la solución